So the library is my new drawing location. With as much spare time as I'm going to have this spring, I should end up with a lot of drawings. I should probably buy a new sketchbook tomorrow. The one I'm using now is almost full.
Anyway, here are some of the sketches I did today:

"Georgia On My Mind"...(literally.)
I did these two drawings separately, and they ended up connecting. I didn't realize until later that it looks like the man has a woman growing out of his head.
But I like it this way.

Most of the people in the library were on computers.

This guy was further away than the others, so I couldn't get a very detailed sketch of him. I like this, though; it reminds me of the quicker sketches I did of people back in high school.

Some quick sketches of the staff that were milling around. The woman on the bottom left was answering the phone.