This one is 14"x11" and took about six hours. The first three hours were from life and the rest were done from a reference photo and memory.
I'll have more oils to post in the coming weeks, along with new watercolors. Right now I have two completed watercolors and one in progress that I haven't photographed yet, so I'll probably be posting those late this month or in May, as soon as I get some free time.
Hi Jenny! I've been your admirer. I saw your paintings at the Watercolor artist magazine. Very beautiful! You're such a talented artist especially at such a young age. I love the luminosity of your portraits. I just started experimenting with watercolor and I like to do portraits. Could you tell me your color pallette for skin tone in general? What brand of paints and paper do you use?
I like your oil painting you just did but I have to say that your watercolor paintings are glowing!
I use Arches 300lb cold press paper and Winsor & Newton paints. My full palette is: winsor yellow, naples yellow, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, permanent rose, cadmium red, cadmium red deep, cobalt violet, dioxazine violet, french ultramarine, cobalt blue, cobalt turquoise, cerulean blue, payne's gray, hooker's green, olive green, raw umber, burnt umber, and sepia.
thanks for sharing your color pallette. do you usually mix your colors optically in paper or premix the colors in the pallette?
I mix colors on the palette and then test them on a small scrap of watercolor paper.
i love the colors you use for the hair on all of your watercolor paintings. they're very warm and rich. which colors did you use on "little girl #2"?
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