Sunday, June 12, 2016

Roman on the Beach

Roman on the Beach, 10"x8", watercolor, 2016 

I completed this portrait commission in early June. I used a variety of reference photos provided by the client to capture her grandson playing in the sand. He is engrossed in his work, digging in soft sand that reflects the oranges and blues of his toys, while the waves roll in behind him--a serene and fleeting moment captured in watercolor on paper.

Roman on the Beach (Detail), 10"x8", watercolor, 2016

I would be hard-pressed to say what my favorite part of this painting is. I loved painting the delicate lavenders, pinks, and yellows of the shadows on his left arm; I enjoyed playing with the frothiness of the waves behind him; and I loved using the clear, saturated oranges, yellows, reds, purples, and blues to show weight, depth, and texture in the bucket and sand.

I took some videos as I worked on this painting and will be editing them together soon to post here.

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